Michael Matucci, Phd
Michael Matucci, Phd
Empowering leaders to see the Truth of who they are, their life purpose, and providing tools to maximize their mission.
Empowering leaders to see the Truth of who they are, their life purpose, and providing tools to maximize their mission.
A global Renaissance Man that speaks five languages, Michael Matucci has a mission of Truth with a capital T. He ignites the Truth of who we really are, the hidden powers we have, and the pathway to our purpose on the planet.
Michael loves sparking leaders, and leaders in training, to cut through the noise of their daily duties and issues and empower them to the big ideas and innovative solutions that catapult them and their organizations forward.
He began his quest in the field of health with a bachelor of science and work in the fitness and wellness space before honing his focus to the management and leadership arena.
He expanded into international business working in London, Rome, Madrid, Shanghai and other cities where he got the chance to dive into a new love: foreign languages.
Sensing a call to tune into his purpose, he took a swift left turn and plunged into a ten year journey of self-discovery and communication mastery. Acting, filmmaking as well as several eastern philosophies and practices were his tools. He eventually got his doctorate in philosophy.
He now co-leads the avant garde transformation company Encompass Life. Their ability to empower people to make their own breakthroughs, and then become adept at doing that for their people, boldly stands out in the self-development industry.
PhD, Transformational Life Coaching, Aidan University
MBA, International Business, Aidan University
BS, Biological Sciences, University of Maryland
Certified Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Kundalini Research Institute
Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, American Council on Exercise


Every word carries magic. That’s why the assembly of words is called spelling. Words can be killer, as in awesome, and they can also kill.
The thing is that most people have little idea of how words work and what words to what, so they go about flinging around this magic wand usually to their own detriment. They cloak themselves in stress, anxiety, and ill health due in large part to the way that they speak.
In this book I bring forth the main secrets of speech to finally decode the instruction manual to this gift. With conscious use of our speech, we can literally lay down the pieces of our yellow brick road.
Every word carries magic. That’s why the assembly of words is called spelling. Words can be killer, as in awesome, and they can also kill.
The thing is that most people have little idea of how words work and what words to what, so they go about flinging around this magic wand usually to their own detriment. They cloak themselves in stress, anxiety, and ill health due in large part to the way that they speak.
In this book I bring forth the main secrets of speech to finally decode the instruction manual to this gift. With conscious use of our speech, we can literally lay down the pieces of our yellow brick road.