04.11.2023 07:07 PM By Encompass

Many of us have grown up learning that after a traumatic event we should offer our deepest sympathies, but is your sympathy causing more harm than good? 

Here's a truth bomb for you, 

Sympathy actually comes from a place of judgment.

It says, “I’m judging that their situation is bad or wrong” or something similar. 

At EncompassLIFE we stand on the spiritual principle that says to whatever measure I judge, I’ll be judged back in the same way, with the same weight.

If I sympathize with a client I cannot help them, because I’m actually agreeing that their situation is bad, instead of trusting that there’s a big blessing in it for them. 

But be aware, from a coaching perspective, if people would like me to have sympathy with them, and I don’t give them that sympathy which they are asking for, the next thing that shows up from them is hate. Typically their anger fires up. And that’s OK. But if I’m judging a situation as wrong I’m actually going to prevent myself from finding the blessing in it and if my client’s greatest weakness or hardship is in reality, their greatest blessing, seeing and shedding truth on the matter can only help my client. 

#sympathy #feeling #judgenot #judgement #pathos